Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Are You a Good Listener Quiz

Are You a Good Listener Quiz Are you a good listener? Lets find out. On a scale of 25-100 (100 highest), how do you rate yourself as a listener? _____ Let’s find out how accurate your perception is. Rate yourself in the following situations and total your score. 4 Usually, 3 Frequently, 2 Sometimes, 1 Seldom ____ I try to listen carefully even when I’m not interested in the topic. ____ I’m open to viewpoints that are different from my own. ____ I make eye contact with the speaker when I’m listening. ____ I try to avoid being defensive when a speaker is venting negative emotions. ____ I try to recognize the emotion under the speaker’s words. ____ I anticipate how the other person will react when I speak. ____ I take notes when it’s necessary to remember what I’ve heard. ____ I listen without judgment or criticism. ____ I stay focused even when I hear things I don’t agree with or don’t want to hear. ____ I don’t allow distractions when I’m intent on listening. ____ I don’t avoid difficult situations. ____ I can ignore a speaker’s mannerisms and appearance. ____ I avoid leaping to conclusions when listening. ____ I learn something, however small, from every person I meet. ____ I try not to form my next response while listening. ____ I listen for main ideas, not just details. ____ I know my own hot buttons. ____ I think about what I’m trying to communicate when I speak. ____ I try to communicate at the best possible time for success. ____ I don’t assume a certain level of understanding in my listeners when speaking. ____ I usually get my message across when I communicate. ____ I consider which form of communication is best: email, phone, in-person, etc. ____ I tend to listen for more than just what I want to hear. ____ I can resist daydreaming when I’m not interested in a speaker. ____ I can easily paraphrase in my own words what I’ve just heard. ____ Total Scoring 75-100 You’re an excellent listener and communicator. Keep it up.50-74 You’re trying to be a good listener, but it’s time to brush up.25-49 Listening isn’t one of your strong points. Start paying attention. Learn how to be a better listener: Active Listening. Joe Grimms Listen and Lead project is a fabulous collection of listening tools. If your listening could be improved, get help from Joe. Hes a professional listener.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

What is the difference between brute, social, and institutional facts Essay Example

What is the difference between brute, social, and institutional facts Essay Example What is the difference between brute, social, and institutional facts Paper What is the difference between brute, social, and institutional facts Paper Essay Topic: Sociology Searle starts his explanation of social reality by outlining brute or observer independent facts. Searle is a realist and does not subscribe to the view that all of reality is somehow a human creation and that there are only facts dependant on the human mind. The foundation of Searles construction of social reality to use his metaphor of construction is that there is a reality totally independent of us. These facts, which act independently of us, are brute facts. Searles rough and ready approach is to ask whether these features would exist if there had never been human beings or sentient creatures. Would a hydrogen atom contain one electron? Yes. Would a rectangle of plastic with a magnetic strip be a form of exchanging wealth? No. Generally speaking the natural sciences deal with these features. In Searles theory the world is made up of particles in fields of force described by atomic theory and human beings have evolved from ape like creatures due to evolutionary biology. The brute features of an object are an intrinsic part of its existence and are not affected by attitudes towards it, and it is therefore described as observer independent. Searle clearly distinguishes between the features of a stone that are observer independent and observer relative by comparing two statements; that object is a stone and that object is a paperweight. A stone is a stone because of its atomic structure and physical constituents, however the statement that it is a paperweight is dependant on attitudes towards it. Another person may think of it as a weapon, or as a building material. The difference between brute and observer dependant is reasonably simple when applied to a stone if the barrier of language is ignored, brute facts require the institution of language in order that we can state the facts, but the brute facts themselves exist quite independently of language or any other institutions. Searle uses the example of colours as a more complicated example of brute reality. If Searle had published his theory before the work of seventeenth century physicists he would have asserted that colour only had brute features, however due to advances in light physics colour is now seen as observer relative. Building on the foundation of a brute reality, which is not open to interpretation. Searle then arrives at social and institutional reality. His early example of sitting outside a cafe and ordering a drink in terms of social reality is extremely complex. Searle states that there are three essential components of social and institutional reality that explain the ordinary social relations that occurred in the cafe: collective intentionality, assignment of function and constitutive rules. The assignment of function can be seen as the first building block in Searles construction of social reality. Preceded by the idea that there are brute facts, which cannot be challenged by human thought or intentionality, the assignment of function is a product of thought and consciousness. There are no functions naturally occurring in brute reality. Both humans and animals assign function and uses to objects. There are examples of simplistic functions in the animal world such as an animal using a lake or pool to drink from. The chair I sit on has been assigned the use of me sitting on it because it is the right height off the ground, can support my weight and is comfortable. It is also the product of an industrial process, which has involved the assignment of function at every level of production from the raw materials used upwards. The chair has been constructed with the intention of me sitting but I can also assign different uses to it. Collective intentionality is the second step. Species of animals have a biologically innate collective intentionality, meaning that not only will they co-operate with each other on order to achieve a task, but that they share a collective intentionality. Searle states that we intentionality is irreducible to I- intentionality and that the crucial element is a sense of doing something together, from this we derive our own individuals intentionality from the collective intentionality we share. Searle states that any fact involving collective intentionality is a social fact. Collective intentionality and assignment of function are essential to the construction of social reality. A world of levers, screwdrivers and beauty all require thinking creatures to assign function and to behave with a collective will. Social facts do not require linguistic or cultural apparatus to exist. To use a log as a seat I do not have to possess the linguistic skills to identify the stone to another person through speech or to have seen someone else use it as a seat, it is simply the physical characteristics of the log that appeal to me. This leads on to institutional facts, a special sub class of social fact. Where social facts are created by collective conscious activity, institutional facts also require the institutions of language and culture to exist. Only linguistic creatures can create institutions. Institutional facts require the distinction to be made between regulative rules and constitutive rules. Regulative rules regulate the behaviour of those taking part in an activity. Constitutive rules bring behaviour into existence, the rules constituting that behaviour. A feature of institutional reality is that it can be created by performance utterances. Searle classes these speech acts as declarations, the utterance of this meeting is adjourned creates the fact. Searles explanation of constitutive rules forming an institutional fact is the example of money. His belief is that x counts as Y or that X counts as Y in context C. and this counts in the example of all institutional facts, institutional facts only existing within a system of these constitutive rules. Institutional facts require a set of systematic relations with other facts. Searle uses the example of money in that for money to function it requires other institutions, the institutions of exchange and ownership. Money requires the next step from collective consciousness and imposition of function. The function of money is not assigned because of its physical properties in the way that a branch can be used as a lever. The function of money only exists because of cooperation and acceptance. This is the next logical step required for something to be an institutional fact. To expand on this point Searle uses the example of a wall as an example of assignment of function, collective consciousness and finally institution. Firstly the wall is constructed due to its physical properties, the imposition of function is due to its scale. Searle then imagines that the wall crumbles and gradually evolves from being a physical barrier to a symbolic barrier. The people that have built the wall still think of it as a wall and boundary but it no longer possesses the physical attributes. The crumbling wall has been assigned a status. The example of a wall is central to Searles social reality and the idea of institutional facts, and reveals the continuous line from molecules and mountains to legislation and money, from basic assignment of function to the creation of hugely complex institutions like the stock market.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


Accounting (CASH FLOWS IN BUSINESS ORGANISATIONS) - Coursework Example Comparatively, net cash flow is defined as the difference between the amount of cash that come in and go out of a company within a period. To begin with, to understand the underlying factor causing the difference in these two major accounting items, it is important to recapture the fact that the estimation of a company’s net profit is guided by some rules provided by the GAAP. Unlike net profit, cash flow determination is not affected by any rules established by GAAP (Robbins 2014, par. 1-11). Second, it is important to note that net profit is determined by subtracting the operating expenses incurred in the process of producing goods from revenues generated by the sales proceeds of those goods and services. On the other hand, cash inflows or outflows of a business are not generated from the sales of goods and services. Instead, cash inflows come from sources such as loans and gifts whereas cash outflows arise due to activities such loan repayment. Therefore, a company can make losses but have a positive net cash flow, balance due to a substantial amount of borrowed money. Below is a hypothetical illustration of the difference. With reference to the provisions of the international accounting standards 7 (IAS 7), the indirect method of cash flow preparation involves commencement with the net income, which is adjusted for other transactions in order to obtain the net cash flow. Whereas, the direct method simply outlines cash inflows and outflows that form part of the operating activities of a company. In the latter, the difference between the negative figures (outflows) and the positive figures (inflows) gives the net cash flow. Illustrations are provided under appendix A and B (Gowthorpe 2005, pp. 212). Operating activities: appendix 2 and 3 contains a copy of the two companies cash flow statement. In the year 2011 and 2012, the following transpired as shown in the cash flow

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Data Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Data Analysis - Assignment Example Using the Sharpe ratio, the mutual funds for FLCSX are still the best when comparing the risk and return for the investment. JFMAX is the stock that has been greatly diversified. This is because it sells in many countries in different countries. That will ensure that the risk of loss is reduced because it will be subject to a few issues and hence it will have a high probability of doing good as compared to the other investments. Beta is a measure of the volatility of an investment towards market forces. That measures the rate at which an investment is affected by changes in the market. An investment that has a beta greater than one is very volatile to market forces and it is affected highly by market forces. That ,means that they are relatively risky and usually associated with high risk and returns. For investments that have a bet lower than one, they are less risk and also associated with lower rates of returns. From the 1990’s, china has become a huge player in the industrial area. This is because the country has emerged as a super power in business. The country has been giving stiff competition to the prior year super powers that included the united states. That made the country a super power in businesses. The other thing that made china develop tremendously was its ability to come up with new products that could be sold in different countries at a lower cost. China also took advantage of FDI. FDI is a system whereby a country or business relocates to regions where there is availability of low cost goods or labor. That ensures that the cost to the company are low and the company is able to supply the products to the target market. That means that the availability of cheap labor and raw products will make the supply and production of goods relatively cheaper. China also takes advantage of the countries whereby there is a huge target market. In that case, the target market becomes l arge and it is able to make more profits as compared to

Sunday, November 17, 2019

What Highschool Is Essay Example for Free

What Highschool Is Essay Theodore R. Sizer in his essay What High School Is begins with an illustration, a detailed account of the opening of the day at a high school, following one student named Mark, sixteen years of age, as he arrives at school, greets his friends, and goes to class. This section is a rather dry recitation of his schedule on this particular day, with some vivid descriptions of the classes, the other students, and the different elements of the school day. This entire section runs four and a half pages and serves as the introduction to the entire essay. This is a daring and not entirely satisfactory approach. There is nothing ahead of this description to assure the reader that the entire essay will not consist of this detailing of one students day, though in fact the essay has something else in mind if it can hold the attention of the reader until the author gets to it. He might have offered some more traditional introductory remarks to indicate that he has a purpose in telling this lengthy story, which would gain him mileage with many, but instead he just launched into it and continues through to the end of the day. After this, of course, comes what might be considered a more The reading What High School Is by Theodore R. Sizer accurately depicts an average day for a high school student, but fails to show some of the most critical things about what high school is. A large portion of the reading tells about the average day of a student named Mark. This portion of the story is the focus of my response. Although the description of his day is pretty accurate, it fails to show the emotion and feelings of that day. The story only describes what he does in his classes and not what he thinks about those classes. The story over simplifies what high school is to each individual student. Although most students probably follow about the same schedule, the way that student reacts towards his classes, teachers, students, and administrators varies greatly. While one student might enjoy his or her schedule and teachers, another student with the same classes might hate school because of it. Another very significant part of high school that Sizer fails to mention is the so cial aspect. One of the MOST important skills learned in high school is social interaction. Sizer barely mentions that the part of the day that most students learn the most, and look forward to the most, is their lunch and passing periods. Most students opinions on high school and whether or not it was a good experience for them greatly depends upon how well they can socialize during these times of the day. If a person was to ask an outcast what they thought of their high school they would most likely relate the experience as a negative one. However, if a person was to ask someone who even had some social interactions that person would most likely have had a positive high school experience. Overall, Sizer does a good job of showing the class experiences of a student but fails to even mention one of the most important factors in that students high school career, their social interactions.i completely agree with you on the part about high school experience, and that is something that always differs from all of us. now going back to what schools are doing it can clearly be seen that depending on the location of the school, it is how the kids would learn to be socially aware citizens and critical thinkers. unfortunately not many of the schools are doing this.. but why? should we let our kids fail on their own so that they become responsible? I think its fine that the author didn’t include Marks feelings or how high school social life is very important. Thats not the focus of his essay. He is pointing out that the public education system is failing to provide true scholastic and humanistic substance for students. Schools say they want to teach moral and ethical values and self-realization to students, but do very little in those stated goals. Yes, a lot of us have had wholesome high school experiences but thats because weve made great friends and been around great people. What about great teachers or administators? What are they doing to give students a valuable education experience?

Friday, November 15, 2019

self mutilation Essay -- essays research papers

Self Mutilation It is estimated that one out of every 50 teens between the ages of 13 and 19 regularly practice self-abusive behavior with a reported 2 million cases in the US alone in 2004. Self-mutilation is defined as the direct and deliberate destructive alteration of one’s own body tissue, without conscious suicidal intent. It is considered a clinical disorder. Self mutilation is not a suicide attempt. It is an attempt for one to gain control over their life and cope with stress, pain, fear, and anxiety. Self mutilatory behaviors are cries for help. Self-abusive teens tend to internalize any conflicts with friends, school or parents as they do not want to â€Å"cause trouble† for anyone. Typical self mutilators are middle to upper class, intelligent, women. Self harm usually begins in adolescence and continues for 5to 10 years into the mid twenties. Although self harm more frequently affects females, 11 thousand males are known to suffer from it every year in the United States alone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are several types of self-abusive and mutilative behaviors. The most common are cutting and burning. Self harm, however, is not limited to these types. There are also banging, binge eating, biting, branding, breaking of bones, bruising, carving, carving words or symbols into flesh, drinking, hitting, ingesting sharp objects, ingesting toxic substances, marking, picking, piercing, pulling hair, punching walls, scalding, scraping, scratching, scrubbing, self ind...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Celebrity Influence Essay

Teens and Celebrities Teenagers often turn to their favorite celebrities for guidance in their every day lives. Celebrities have become more mainstream role models for teens as their images and lifestyles are normally splashed across television, movies, magazines and all throughout pop culture. Teens that try to emulate their favorite celebrities may select good role models or bad ones that can be positive or negative for teens. Problems with teens linked to celebrities include: †¢Teen behaviors resulting in celebrity influence †¢Self esteem and body images issues for teens Teens, Celebrities and Behavior Many teens will try to mirror their favorite celebrities. While sometimes these role models can be good for teens, in today’s day and ag e, many celebrities uphold standards the average Joe can’t live up to. Sometimes that behavior is also dangerous such as drug abuse or partying excessively. Celebrities promote behaviors that are not always positive for teenagers to see on a daily basis. Celebrities Promoting Drinking To Teens In television, movies and magazines, celebrities are often portrayed drinking heavily or in excess. This can be harmful to teens that pick up on these behaviors and think it is normal to drink excessively like their favorite celebrity. Often times, the celebrity is not the best role model, turning to drinking without realizing their fans, in large part teens, are watching and taking notes. Drug Abuse By Celebrities Almost every other day, a celebrity is in trouble with the law in terms of drug abuse or addiction. Teens see their favorite movie stars or singers doing drugs and they think they should too. Celebrities often cultivate behaviors that are bad, such as drug addiction, and make teens believe these lifestyles to be cool and exciting. Celebrity Influence On Teen Image Many teens become curious about their own image when they see their favorite singers or celebrities throughout magazines, TV shows or in films. Teens normally like to have a role model they can turn to for how to dress, look and act. However, these role models are not always cultivating the best body images and self esteem for teens and it’s important for you to recognize that. Teen Self Esteem When a teen is constantly inundated with picture perfect images of their favorite celebrities, they can often feel the weight of trying to live up to airbrushed images. Movie stars and musicians are often portrayed as perfect, which can in turn make a teenager feel inadequate. Self-esteems in teens can plummet if they are always faced with living up to such perfection. Teen Body Image The norm among celebrities when it comes to body image and weight is often super skinny and unrealistic. Teens that don’t look like their favorite celebrities often try to lose weight or dress like their celebrity role models. Problems such as anorexia and bulimia can develop when a teenager is trying to look like a celebrity. A teen’s perception of their own body image can often turn drastically different than it actually may be with a celebrity’s influence and it can be hard for you to feel as though you’re content to be who you are with those pressures; but you need to overcome those effects that celebrities have on you.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Choice of Software Essay

Below is a list of possible solutions to this assignment and with them there are the disadvantages and advantages. After thoroughly analysing these choices I will pick the best option. Database Advantages Using a database is a very simple option. Almost every employee without too much guidance could use the solution to enter data and carry out the basic operations. Using the database wizard, the data can be input into a table and the field types could be declared. Thus would make data entry effective and unsophisticated. The built-in features of a database will diminish the risk of errors during the input process. Adding a new record to a database would be simple as entering it underneath the previous record. Report can also be easily printed off from a database and are aesthetically pleasing in appearance already without the need of major modification. Data validation is also a key area of this project and a database already has the suitable data validation methods pre-set end embedded into the core of the database application. Disadvantages Functions such as the ability to carry out complex mathematical calculations are not necessarily included in a database application. To overcome this irregularity the database would have to be cross-linked to a spreadsheet application. This would of course multiply the workload and the size of the task, which would be pointless. Also, other features of a database are fairly limited. This would therefore mean that the database system could not be adequately adapted to tackle the problem. This solution could prove to be expensive. Commercial Software Advantages Commercial Software programs are generally simple and well suited to the problem at hand to some extent. They are easy to use and come with extensive help guides to modify the functions and utilities to suit the and help the end user and also include suitable training materials and tasks for IT illiterates Disadvantages The costs of these Commercial Software programs are quite high. The features of these are not suitable for a task of this build and even with major modification would not be completely suitable and would be prone to error. Such programs do not have validation methods built-in and do not allow for addition of such Add-ons. This would be a stumbling block to the whole program and the quality of the program would suffer as a result. This solution could prove to be expensive. Spreadsheet System Advantages A spreadsheet System would be a more obvious solution. Such a spreadsheet would be able to be implemented with alleviation. The outstanding feature of a spreadsheet over the other options is the ability to enter and manipulate complex mathematical formulae and the ability to process numerical values without too much effort. All of the task could be completed within this one package without the need for integration with other programs and partial embedding extra programs. This can be implemented by the fact that the sheets can be linked to each other. Reports can be easily printed out via the macro feature of the spreadsheet. Disadvantages To be able to use the spreadsheet, the unwritten rules of manipulating formula within a spreadsheet have to be mastered. Exact placement of cells and macros would have to be recorded. The spreadsheet system layout is fairly difficult to follow. This solution could prove to be expensive. Bespoke Program Advantages The advantages of creating a bespoke program using a high level/imperative programming language is that the styles, functions and forms of the screens can be manipulated to suit the end users. The program would come with extensive help guides and instruction for the end users. The screens would de designed specifically using extensive research techniques to gather information for the program and to meet the users requirements and create a user-friendly interface. Behind this user-friendly interface, all of the required formulae and utilities could be implemented. The cost of creating a bespoke program is virtually none after purchasing the software to create such a program with its official license, which is a great advantage over the previous examples. Disadvantages The only obvious disadvantage to such a solution would be the time taken to complete the task. After the initial research and design period, the whole design and implementation of the program and extensive testing could take 3-4 months to be fully implemented. Online Web-Based Solution Advantages The advantages of using on online system is that the system does not have to be limited to one machine or a local network of computers but this accessibility can be enlarged and accessed all over the world by the right personnel. Security can be maintained my strenuous password and security checks and Internet I.P. addresses can be recorded and monitored. Integration of spreadsheets needs to be implemented into such a Web-Based Solution. Disadvantages If this solution were to be implemented, it would be a very foolish decision. The fact that it can be accessed all over the world maybe appealing at first, but what if the security of the website is overcome and the marks of hundreds if not thousands of students could be modified by a lone teenager with a bit of effort. This would bring the whole organisation into disrepute and affect the future of many students. Apart from the security concerns of this solution, the fact that it needs to be linked to a spreadsheet so that calculations can be carried out successfully is an unpleasant feature to this exaggerated solution. Reports could be printed to an extent but the design would be very unprofessional if not amateurish as any user can do this. This solution could prove to be expensive. Paper-Based System Advantages There are no real advantages of a paper-based system apart from the fact that it is a method of recording the information Disadvantages The disadvantages include the inability to save information in a professional manner. Sheets could be misplaced. Only one user can use the system at once. Handwriting can be a problem to read and understand. Also mistakes can easily occur much to the despair of students. Chosen Solution One thing to realise is that no problem has a solution, which is 100% perfect. This is true for the problem at hand as well. As they all have some disadvantages it is the one, which has the most advantages and the least disadvantages. That seems obvious enough to me that is why I have chosen to create own program using the BESPOKE PROGRAM option. The reasons why have chosen this option is because it is a sensible option and it can be suitably implemented and designed to the users requirements as it can be manipulated and shaped to perfection. Also it is not that costly so it will keep the bank manager happy, which would not have been the case if I had gone with the other options! The layout of the forms could be suited to use the user and I would not have to add features, which are not required by the users. The feedback from the users can be used to design the type of inputs and outputs they require from the program and how they would like to enter the data and then output the information in the form of the reports. This also enables me to create a versatile and innovative solution to the problem. The reasons why I have not used some of the other possible solutions is some of them are not practical while others are surreal! The idea of incorporating two programs to work together with each other appears to be out of the question, as it would make life hard for the end user then the current methods they are using. Also some of the solutions suggest features, which could affect the integrity of the data within the organisation and allow it to be prone to hacking and malicious damage from external sources. Other solutions do not have the necessary features to carry out this task. This is why I have eliminated these solutions when considering which solution to use and the only one that seemed practical would be the BESPOKE PROGRAM option.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The balance between freedom and order Essays

The balance between freedom and order Essays The balance between freedom and order Paper The balance between freedom and order Paper Freedom And Order Freedom without order leads to chaos. Order without freedom leads to tyranny. Only in Christ can these two warring combatants become creative comrades in the dance of grace. Freedom is a wonderful and terrible paradox. In its purest sense, freedom means having no boundaries, borders, rules or restrictions. It Is the uninhibited will to do or refrain as one desires. Freedom defines, in part, deity. After all, who tells God what to do? Made in his image and likeness, we also were designed for freedom, but our broken and dos-ordered hearts bring only chaos. Whether were talking about reckless drivers who feel no need to obey the speed limits or the killing fields of Cambodia, human beings strive constantly to break through any barriers that prevent them from doing as they see fit. The pursuit of freedom without order invariably brings chaos and ultimately results in death. The opposite is also true. Order without freedom leads to another kind of death- tyranny. We are not designed for slavery, and each of us Is born with the God-given and God-like capacity to will and to choose. Anything that robs us of that capacity ninnies us what may be the defining characteristic of our humanity. When humanity experienced the Fall, however, the brokenness of sin infected our conscience. Humans now abuse order In the same way they abuse freedom. Order becomes a weapon of control, a device to simply impose my will upon yours. A war now rages in every human heart. Reckless freedom claws at the eyes of violent order in a deadly pas De dues. Only in Christ can these two warring factions become creative comrades In the dance of grace. How? Christ promises life-real life-and that more abundantly than the chaos and tyranny hat characterizes human experience. The life he promises is born from the union of both the freedom and order he brings. Consider biological life for a moment. Science still wrestles with the definition of life Itself, but at a minimum, all seem to agree that life is composed of Increasingly complex structures of inorganic matter that result in behaviors that characterize living things. In other words, if we structure protons, neutrons and electrons in a certain way, we have a soda can-but rearrange the ordering of those same particles, and now we have a cell. Life flows out of the order of structure. In the same way, true life-giving freedom flows out of the well-ordered heart and does not depend upon external structures to either maintain or exercise it. And it is precisely because we are designed to be free that no one-including God-can force us to be free. God is not a tyrant, nor has he designed us for tyranny. We must freely choose to bring order to our broken hearts if we want true freedom, and we must choose to not allow any one or anything to rob us of that God-given freedom. Only Christ, who freely chose the obedience of the cross, can set us free to be free. The freedom that Christ brings has two components: freedom from sin, and the freedom to do good works. External forms of order in social relationships-traffic laws, or the Ten Commandments, for example-are necessary because human beings are 1 OFF not Intrinsically Tree to condos good Demeanor. In toner words, external Torts AT control are necessary to regulate the effects of sin. Without external structures like criminal codes and police agencies to enforce them, the world would be plunged into hellish chaos. The evening news suggests, even with those external structures, the world appears to be growing more chaotic. ) Yet while external order can regulate the effects of sin, it cannot remove the root causes of it. Only Chrisms work on the Cross can destroy the effects of sin in our lives Christ wants something better for us than the Ten Commandments. He does not want us to refrain from killing others because we will be punished if we do. Rather, he wants us to love those that hate u s-Just as He does. To move from a place of abstaining from, under threat from means moving away from external structures and toward internal ones, from tyranny to freedom. It means becoming more like Him. For me to able to do this, my heart needs to be re-ordered by the work of the Spirit and his Word. What is the gospel? It is the good news that what was in the beginning shall be so again in the end. It is the restoration of the image of God in me. We know that freedom and order can become creative comrades in the dance of grace because we see it displayed in Jesus, who died for us, and in whose image we are being made.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Bolshevism essays

Bolshevism essays In an attempt to create system in which everyone is equal and enjoys equal distribution of wealth, where there is no private ownership of any enterprise or property, Karl Marx generated the Communist Manifesto. By reinterpreting the works of Marx, Lenin modified the communist ideal to his convenience. Some examples of Lenins contribution to communism were an elite government, elimination of oppositional parties, and suppression of free press and many other civil liberties. Although barbaric at face value, Lenins domination of the Soviet government was very organized. With Trotsky as his vehicle, Lenin was a dreamy politician with high ambitions and elaborate ideas drawn from his attitude that the end justifies the means. There is a difference between civil war and revolution. These are two completely separate elements in society. So what happens when the two come together? The long anticipated collapse of the tsarist regime in 1917 ended a system that had been in place since the fourteenth century. Surely there were many major contributing factors to its demise historically but the immediate agitators were more significant. Most obvious was a unanimous rejection towards the poor coordination of the war effort against Germany who proved to be very consistent in defeating Russian forces, forcing Russia to cede catastrophic portions of territory, literally ripping chunks out of its geographic constituency including valuable prizes such as Poland. Shortages of food and fuel along with inflation rapidly brought the people of Russia to disparity. Politicians, well anticipating governmental failure encouraged citizens to rally, thus further instigating revolution. This helped Russias bureaucratic system dissolve quickly when Nicholas II lost power on March 2, that year. Without any civil order or political structure, Russia ascended into a state of chaos, yielding to the ambi ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Racism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Racism - Essay Example Therefore, in order to keep that from happening, the indigenous people make use of racism and ethnic discrimination to scare the foreigners away. In order to eliminate racism and ethnic discrimination from our society, it is imperative that anti racism notions are cultivated in children in schools. Concepts developed in the schools play a fundamental role in determining the way a child would behave as an adult. Therefore, subjects as sociology and religion must be made necessary part of the curriculum in order to inculcate the sense of equality and harmony in the children so that they become responsible citizens as adults. In the workplace, employers should enforce rules that openly discourage the display of any sort of racism on the part of the employees. Employees showing racism should be expelled. Likewise, government should arrange lectures to convince the elderly against racism. I do not think that we would ever be able to completely rid the world of prejudice. Irrespective of t he education or grooming, people fundamentally behave as their nature dictates them to, though if the aforementioned measures are taken, people can be at least influenced to change their attitude towards people from other races.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Location and Layout of IKEA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Location and Layout of IKEA - Assignment Example Elements pertaining to prospective customers become crucial considerations in creating the internal environment of retail stores and outlets that embodies its marketing philosophy, and finding the site that best supports its marketing strategy. Ikea is an internationally renowned furniture company with a global presence and strong market following. Its key strategy is to provide quality at affordable cost; its vision is to enable everybody, regardless of economic wealth or status, to be able to acquire beautifully designed and well manufactured furniture at reasonable prices. In order to realize this vision, costs must be kept down and distribution made more efficient, which are the most important objectives in the location and layout of Ikea stores. ... 1.0 Introduction The management decision about where to locate the firm’s productive facilities is always a critical strategic consideration for the firm, because it involves a long term investment, and it impacts on cost efficiency and therefore profitability. Layout is likewise of critical concern because the manner in which facilities are appointed either support or constrain smooth operations. While these aspects of a business are important in all types of operations such as manufacturing, it is in in the retail distribution function (whether in goods or services) that both layout and location play a crucial role, because of the interface it creates between the firm’s productive activities and its intended market. Ikea is a retail company whose stores’ location and layout designs are governed by the company philosophy; as a consequence, these aspects of the business have assumed unique characteristics that have provided the firm both advantages and disadvanta ges. 2.0 Literature Review Layout concerns â€Å"the optimum arrangement of facilities including personnel, operating equipment, storage space, material handling equipment, and all other supporting services along with the design of the best structure to contain all these facilities† (Moore, 1962 as cited in Kumar & Suresh, 2006, p. 14). Traditionally, the basic types of layout are fixed position, process, cell, and product layout schemes (Slack, et al., 2010). There are numerous combinations of these basic types, and in detailing one particular design in a retail centre, important considerations are market strategy and flow of people and materials. Location of facilities is â€Å"a long term capacity decision which involves a long-term commitment about the geographically static factors that affect a